Grounding Green

from $13.50

Kale, Spinach, Cuke, Lemon, Pineapple, Apple, Ginger.

80% vegetable, 20% fruit. The perfect meal replacement for breakfast or lunch.

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Kale, Spinach, Cuke, Lemon, Pineapple, Apple, Ginger.

80% vegetable, 20% fruit. The perfect meal replacement for breakfast or lunch.

Kale, Spinach, Cuke, Lemon, Pineapple, Apple, Ginger.

80% vegetable, 20% fruit. The perfect meal replacement for breakfast or lunch.


Healing, grounding, stabilizing and calming. Greens give you energy by relaxing and centering you. Green juice provides long term energy and is nicknamed the drink of longevity. If you are restless or feeling scattered, drink a green juice.
Green juices are a blood cleanser, tonifier, nerve tonic, alkalinizer, mineralizer elixir.

Cucumbers have silica and are great for firming your skin. They also stimulate the kidneys. Spinach has iron, vit c and calcium and stimulates peristalsis in the colon so it helps with constipation. Celery is a great electrolyte balancer. Zucchini has b vitamins, potassium, antioxidants and vit c. It hydrates you and supports your thyroid.
Kale contains large amounts of flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, which have been found in multiple tests to be cardioprotective, blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-depressant.

Ginger: strong anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-viral and anti-fungal. Can help with arthritis and bursitis. Relieves nausea and heartburn. Effective against the common cold, sore throat and flu prevention. Supports the lungs, especially helpful with allergy symptoms.

Lemons: supports the liver, and healthy liver function is key to a strong immune system and weight loss. Lemon is alkalizing to the body after its been metabolized which also helps the body process calories.

Apples: supports brain health, diabetes, gallstones, contains quercetin which boosts the immune system, supports the lungs and ease’s symptoms of asthma, supports the digestive system especially the liver.

My standard green blend can be spiced up by adding cabbage, celery, bok choy, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, pears, pineapple, collard greens, swiss chard

Drink the sunshine.

A grounded mama is a powerful guide for her family.




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