Why Cold Pressed?
Because heating or adding chemicals to raw fruits and veggies causes a break down in the integrity of the enzymes and nutrients. Cold pressed means you get all the goodness from each fruit and vegetable as if you are eating them raw. Nothing added, nothing taken away. The juicer has a grinder not a grate/blender so the produce is simply pressed to extract the juices.
All juices should be kept refrigerated and consumed or frozen within 5 days. See the date on the side of the juice bottle.
Choosing a juice business can be overwhelming. There are many options and many advertise cold pressed but then do other preserving methods that break down the raw goodness in the juice in order to extend shelf life. The juices made by Alive Juice Co. are simply fruits and vegetables. No preservatives or sugars or water added. The produce is stored in the refrigerator, cleaned and then juiced and immediately returned to the refrigerator to ensure that no heating or loss of nutrients occurs. All but 2 of my juice blends have lemon in them which is a natural preservative, so the juices are safe to drink for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. If you cannot drink them within 5 days, you should freeze them, just be sure to allow room at the top of the bottle for the juices to expand in the freezer. When thawing them, set them in the refrigerator 24 hours before drinking them and drink within 2 days of thawing.
“Raw fruits and vegetables have the highest nutrient content on the planet. And juicing is the best way to get the most raw fruits and veggies in while on the go.”
Heating any fruit or vegetable causes a break down in the absorbable nutrients. Masticating juicers are loud and juice quickly but they also create more waste (it takes more produce to make 16 oz of juice) and it grates and heats the produce, instead of grinding it like a cold pressed, slow juicer does. The masticating juicers are more affordable and are a great starter juicer. But it’s best to save that $200 and put it towards a better quality, cold pressed juicer like a Kuvings or a Nama J2.